Come with me on a journey through uncharted territory...
How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being. - Oscar Wilde
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. - Albert Einstein
Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge. - Mark Twain
I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him. - Mark Twain
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence. - Albert Einstein
Friday, February 24, 2006
It's my favourite
Well one of them anyway. I love friday nights - its the only night I'm free to turn on the tv & watch The Chaser's War on Everything. Drive hasn't been the same on Triple J since Chris & Craig (Today Today) left. For those not of our shores - there are video links on the site - just to tease you with what you are missing.
Also for my foreign readers - click here - for a preview of our latest OS advertising campaign
4 things that I need every morning: 1. Tea 2. Cuddles 3. Shower 4. More cuddles
4 Things that turn me off: 1. Stupidity 2. Unwarranted Arrogance 3. People who don't take responsibility 4. Laziness
4 things I believe in: 1. The universe 2. Love 3. Humanity 4. Nature
4 Things I am afraid of: 1. The power of stupid people in large groups 2. Policies of the current Aust Govt 3. Spiders 4. Poverty
4 Things I do every day: 1. Read 2. Tell my kids I love them 3. Work 4. Bitch
4 things I want to have/do: 1. Finish my degree 2. My Dream Job (you'll hear if I get it) 3. See Machu Pichu and Glastonbury and Scotland 4. Have a house with a round room & a 2 tier'd library so I can have a ladder on wheels (the one from My Fair Lady will suffice)
4 people I want to see: 1. Friends (collective so I don't offend any) 2. Sean Connery / Billy Connelly 3. I want to meet some of the people I have met online 4. My Canadian cousins
4 numbers that rule my life (all even) 1. 78 2. 8 3. 30 4. 14
4 favorite colors 1. Green 2. Red 3. Bronze 4. Purple
Monday night on Enough Rope with Andrew Denton, Billy Connelly had this to say about our PM:
"John Howard's only function is to let you know what Harry Potter's going to look like when he's old. I would go miles to avoid meeting him. What a boring little man."
I heard on the radio today that Resistance are selling 'flag burning kits'. For $5.00 you get:
Cigarette lighter
Australian Flag
Firestarter cube
Resistance Pamplets
Their stance is that burning the flag is a 'legitimate' form of protest against the policies of the government. WISE UP PEOPLE! The flag is the symbol of Australia regardless of who the encumbent political party is. Burning the flag demonstrates (despite their claims to the contrary) significant disrespect for the diggers and all who have fought & died for this country, all the athletes and others who complete for Australia.
If you want to protest against the policies of the government then may I suggest the following:
Burn *their* Party Flag
Petition - if you present your petition to your state/federal member they have a legal obligation to present it in parliament.
Get on first name basis with your political representatives - ensure they are doing their job of 'representing' you
Write letters
Debate in open forums (in a respectful & logical manner)
Talk to people
Burning the flag is disrespectful and hurtful to a great number of Australians both living & dead. Don't 'dis the country because you disagree with the government. All Resistance have done is create for themselves a lot of negative media.
I'm supposed to be writing an essay on family /work / life balance. Separate to the fact that I have no idea about this 'balance' thing (juggling is more my thing) - the issues are far bigger and more complex than I had originally planned for (ggrrr).
So here are the issues as I see them:
Devaluation of domestic labour, childcare, care for the elderly and disabled
Traditionally these area's have been the 'roles' of women
When women entered the workforce, there has been no redistribution of tasks that were formally 'women's work'
We have an aging population - but people are staying in the workforce longer - so those who used to assist with childcare - grandparents - are unable to as they are still in the workforce themselves.
The lack of redistribution of tasks like housework and childcare causes a LOT of conflict in relationships. This conflict can result in people spending more time at work to avoid the conflict at home.
The feelings about work and home (home - safe; work - chore) have swapped.
Many managers equate long hours with ambition and efficiency (derr)
Too many organisations pay lip service to 'family friendly' policies
Due to family conflicts - too few people are willing to take up 'family friendly' policies
Desire for a career and something beyond children and home - along side organisations who push the 'career path' cause internal conflict for women who may have otherwise (in a more supportive environment) taken up options under 'family friendly' policies
Why is a family perceived as couples with children? What about those who don't want kids, or who can't have kids? Single parents, singles who take care of elderly parents or disabled siblings - these people should have access to 'family friendly' policies also.
Work has become a place that is fun - we socialise there, network, feel fulfilled in achievement. Many singles are choosing not to have relationships outside work. For more info on this I recommend this book.
Lack of willingness by men (generalisation) to take on the mantle of 'primary care giver', to take their 50% responsibility for domestic labour.
Divorce is on the rise - and the research into this - deep research probing questions not just tick boxes indicate that the lack of gender balance in domestic labour is a key problem.
Women are tired - we work on average 96hrs a week - to the male average of 50hrs. When we get this tired something has got to give - and in self preservation it tends to be our relationships. A man can take care of himself - kiddies can't.
The average teenage boy (14-19yrs) does 19minutes of housework a week.
We have fooled ourselfs with the notion of 'quality time' the 'kodak moment' and our kids are fighting back. And it is women for the most part who wear the guilt.
We outsource everything: cleaning, childcare, eldercare - eat out - and have lost our sense of community.
Like I said lots of issues. I would like to hear your stories, ideas, thoughts, affirmations, motivations, humour and anything else you can come up with....
There is a girl at school (herein known as nasty) that she has had problems with from day dot. This girl is divisive and unkind - employing the bullying tactics of exclusion ie:
You can't play with us
She can't play with you cause I don't like her
She is my friend so you can't play with her
If you're my friend you have to play this and you can't be friends with her
This upsets the small girl incredibly and I have had to deal with the angst for just over 3years now. The school has been involved, but as this nasty's mother has no issue with her behaviour and thinks its 'funny', it has been difficult for all involved.
Despite all the times the school and myself have made suggestions, the small girl persisted in getting upset.
Today we had a breakthrough. Nasty tried some more divisive behaviour and started going around the group of girls asking who was her friend. She approached the small girl, who was feeling very anxious about the whole process. When nasty asked the small girl whether she was her friend, small girl replied 'No' and turned and walked away.
She told me about it after school saying 'it felt amazing mummy, like I could do anything - cause I don't have to deal with her anymore'.
I'm pleased she has learnt this lesson now - at 9. I know it won't always be this easy - but it was such a huge step & I'm the proudest mummy around.
Henry Rollins was dobbed in to the tell-on-a-terrorist hotline by a fellow passenger on a flight from New Zealand who did not agree with his reading material. He has responded to the woman who let him know by saying:
“I was reading a book called Jihad by Ahmed Rashid which is a history of Central Asia. I didn't speak to the man next to me past how do you do. I think Ahmed Rashid is published by Yale University Press. Bush's alma mater. Please tell your government and everyone in your office to go fuck themselves. Tell them twice. If your boss is looking for something to do, you can tell him I suggest he go fuck himself. Baghdad's safer than my hometown and your PM is a sissy. You have a nice night.” Go Henry! More here and here. (go to 30th January)
The only bit that is in doubt is that Henry only spoke to him to say hello - anyone who has heard the man be interviewed knows that 'the man can talk' :-)
This post was quite timely for me as I have been pondering the cultural differences between the US, UK & Australia. Please be aware that these are my opinions only & I welcome others.
I believe the key difference in any debate between Australia & America is our origins.
The US began with the landing of christian fundamentalist's from Britain & other countries. (I'm not discounting the original occupants of the land - however they appear to have had little cultural impact in the same way as the aboriginals have - much to the detriment of both countries IMHO). These were people with strong beliefs, who had been rejected by mainstream religion in their own countries. In simplistic terms - they had a chip on their collective shoulders, and a strong belief in their own superiority over the 'ungodly' they left on now foreign shores. This strong religious heritage & sense of superiority has been retained throughout the centuries.
Australians likewise have a historic chip on their shoulders - we began as a mix of the 'debris' of society, those seeking a new life (leaving wives behind to start anew) and the soldiers & militia sent to control & monitor our convict shores.
Accordingly our constitutions differ significantly. The American Constitution mandates the following:
Freedom of speech
The right to keep and bear arms (or arm bears - sorry Robin Williams little joke)
Civil Liberties
The Australian Constitution mandates very differently. We do not have legislated freedom of speech - on the contrary we have racial vilification laws - it is illegal to vilify anyone on the basis of race. We have legislated gun control. This means that in order to own a gun you must prove that you have a locked place to keep it, that you understand gun safety & that you hold a licence. Anyone caught with a gun and no licence is subject to criminal charges.
We do not have civil liberties. We have a public health system which means that it makes sense that the govt has made it illegal to ride a motorbike without a helmet - or to ride in a car without seatbelts. That all children must be restrained in a carseat or seatbelt which meet certain safety standards. You must have a fence around your pool. Children must wear helmets when riding bikes.
I don't have access to the statistics which prove the benefits of these laws - but I know the benefits exist.
Up until very recently we had a strong cultural sense of personal responsibility. This has been eroded with the spate of civil law suits (an example here), causing an increase in public liability insurance, much to the detriment of the australian society.
Australia was founded by people who were sent here because they had to steal to survive. They were sent to a harsh land in the middle of nowhere. 'Nowhere to run to Nowhere to hide' as the song says. We have a self depreciating sense of humour - very black, but it is (or has been) our cultural survival mechanism. We are the first to make jokes about disaster (think of The Challenger disaster - jokes were flying before the pieces hit the ground - we also have a comedian with Cerebal Palsy called Steady Eddy) We laugh at those who take themselves seriously - hence our 'yank' bashing. It is not meant in the way it is taken by our friends across the ocean - and that is a communication & cultural misunderstanding.
Australian & American children accordingly have very different perspectives on these issues and are raised in the opinion &/or belief that their way is right. If you live a certain way for all your life it is very difficult to come to another point of view. And this is where I believe that culturally the communication break down appears. Americans (yes this is a generalisation) appear to take themselves and their country very seriously. Australians are much more laid back. I don't think we are ever going to solve our differences of opinion - and rightly so - it would be a boring (and scary) world if we all lived the same. However given the current meltdown the world is in - I think that now more than ever we need to make extended effort to respect the opinions and differences of others. To rediscover our sense of community - once so strong in Australia, now dissipating in the political striving for the God of capitalism.
I think a large number of Australians have a problem with the JH/GWB phenomenon; to use Alisons words "Howard riding the back of Bush" - I personally think John Howards head is so far up GWB's arse he must be breathing by osmosis. I think the aping and buying into American politics is to the detriment of the Australian Way of Life. In and of itself this is not a criticism of the US - I just think that the culture we have is different & that difference is good.
I hope that I have explained my opinions clearly - if not please feel free to politely say so, giving me the opportunity to politely respond.
Just a side note - I have noticed on a number of blogs that US citizens tend to categorise their racial groups: african/americans, hispanics, latinos etc. Australians have Aussies & ethnics - I find this amusing. Thanks to Bill Leak for his portrayal of this:
Betty Friedan, author of The Feminine Mystique died yesterday in Washington. Betty changed the face of feminism for ever. Declaring equality not superiority. Men as allies not as the enemy. And sexuality as pertinent only to the individual. More about her life here and here.
Yes many people come to Australia seeking new horizons. Many also come bringing with them prejudices of many centuries. Not all those born in this great country have the advantages of education and being taught tolerance – they too harbour prejudices.
To refer to Australia as a wonderland free from vice, racial intolerance and capitalist greed is both naïve and to exist in a world of political rhetoric.
Australia is not perfect. However for any person or country to rest on the laurels of a perceived historical wonderland, there must be a blinkering [sic] of current realities.
I am a 5th generation Australian. I am proud to be Australian. I am proud to welcome newcomers to this great land of ours. BUT, I am not blinded to the vices of this land. The political movement towards capitalism in this country is at the expense of humanist principals.
I don’t consider Anna Yeatman’s comments to be humbug. The battle of the Federal govt to remove Union Action denies Australian origins and such landmark events as the Eureka Stockade. Australia is parochial as are all countries to some degree or less (some significantly more). I don’t deny the assistance we have given to OS countries. It is also undeniable that current policy and aping of US politics & culture is leading Australia to a 2 tier society.
I have a problem with Pier's use of the phrase ‘culture of welcome’ Yep we’ll welcome you if you have skills & money. Otherwise we’re going to put you in a JAIL for an indeterminate period of time while some privileged white woman decides whether you are worthy to join this great nation.
As a nation we have a long way to go in embracing the philosophies of multiculturalism & reconciliation. A lot of words have been spouted. Its time more action was taken.
I thought America was the land of liberty and freedom. It now appears that there is debate over a new law compelling pharmacists to fill customer prescriptions regardless of their personal convictions. The new act is called: Access to Legal Pharmaceuticals Act.
The issue has arisen over the refusal by some pharmacists to fill prescriptions for the contraceptive medications and devices. In addition to refusing to fill scripts, pharmacists in a number of states including: California, Georgia, Louisiana, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, Washington state and Wisconsin, were also refusing to return the scripts so women could get them filled at another pharmacy.
Who died and gave them legal rights over another person's body? Will the woman who has endometriosis then have the right to sue when she requires laparoscopic surgery to rectify the excrutiating pain caused by not having her medication because of some pharmacists moral objection? What happens to the woman who is raped and requires emergency contraception and then has to deal with this treatment on top of the emotional, mental & physical anguish she is already suffering? Or the woman who almost died giving birth to her last child and knows she will surely die if she has another?
Someone needs to sit these people down and explain (although one would think they would cover this information at medical school) that they are NOT God and they do not have the right to play God with other peoples lives.
Now all I need is to find a guy with a PhD in women & we'll be the perfect match.
You Have Your PhD in Men
You understand men almost better than anyone. You accept that guys are very different, and you read signals well. Work what you know about men, and your relationships will be blissful.