Valium for the Soul

Come with me on a journey through uncharted territory...

How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being. - Oscar Wilde
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. - Albert Einstein
Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge. - Mark Twain
I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him. - Mark Twain
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence. - Albert Einstein
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Startlingly Wrong
This is Channel Seven's take on the new migration test......

I think its quite possibly the worst attempt - besides the fact that i would fail it in an instance - due in part to my complete lack of ability to remember sports trivia.
posted by Blue @ 7:04 am   0 comments
Friday, September 22, 2006
Colonialistic Education
I want to write about this but don't know where to start.... Will get back to it later, would appreciate the thoughts of others.


Ok, I've thought about it and come to the realisation that this is again the debate/discussion between capitalism and the rule of market forces vs John Stuart Mills notion of utilitarianism - greatest good for the greatest number.

The current political regime in Australia is very focussed on the great God of Capitalism, without recognising that the rule of market forces must be underpinned by support for those unable (for whatever reason) of supporting themselves.

The 'Poverty Line' is the determination of income below which an individual or family are deemed to live in poverty. Absolute and Relative poverty are also taken into account; these address how many households have low income relative to other households. This is determined by estimating the number of families who cannot provide basic necessities such as food, clothing and housing on a regular basis.

The Poverty Gap is the estimated amount of money required to bring those below the poverty line above it.

Public education is provided to ensure that all children have access to a given standard of education. The standards are determined to facilitate particular levels of numeracy and literacy; however education within the school system is supplemented by familial and parental expectations. Funding is provided on the basis of geographical economics and student numbers.

The federal governments push towards turning education into a self funding business began with the universities and is working its way down to primary and secondary schools. They continue to fund (out of proportion) the private schools by waving the 'choice' banner; the public education system is being eroded of the broader range of students with their concomitant parental expectations. In short, those who can afford the 'better' education supposedly provided by the private system, tend to be those with higher expectations of their children. Leaving the public schools poorly funded and populated by students who may not have the same expectations of excellence and parental support provided beyond school borders.

While this may seem a gross generalisation, we are seeing it clearly in South Australian primary schools. It costs the same amount to educate a child through primary school regardless of whether the school is public or private ā€“ the difference is the amount paid by the parent/s and the amount of federal funding. The 3 local private primary schools receive more government funding than the public primaries; and in conjunction with parental expectations that 'you get what you pay for' the private schools are expanding while the public schools are shrinking.

I don't have an answer, but the rise of capitalism (regardless of cost) is joining a loss of community ā€“ and so begins the downfall of civilisation ā€“ thoughts of self above all else. I would like to see more support for public education (Iā€™m publically edumacated myself and I reckon I'm doin' alrite) but lacking any federal leadership in this area I shall watch the situation with increasing cynicism.

posted by Blue @ 10:08 pm   0 comments
This made me laugh....
Sulphur and the Devil indeed.
posted by Blue @ 10:06 pm   0 comments
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Dresden Dolls - Adelaide Show
One word: 'kenAwesome!

The first ever Adelaide show by the Dresden Dolls had 2 support acts: Jason Webley and The Red Painters

I have seen Jason before at the fringe festival in 2000. He was a street performer then, and the skills he gained in working a crowd have more than paid off - funny, clever and incredibly musical, both on the piano accordian and guitar.

The Red Painters had suffered their personal adelaide curse, each time they visit their van gets broken into and stuff stolen. On this occasion the lead singers guitar, costume and all their painting gear was nicked. It was recommended that they invest in better locks, a rottweiler or security guards over their initial suggestion that they give Adelaide a miss from now on. They are incredible artists (musically and paintings) - their strings were amazing - of particular note is their version of Mad World (sung in the encore as a duet between Trash (lead singer TRP) and Amanda (DD). I also liked their tune which I'd heard on TripleJ 'The Revolution's never coming'.

Dresden Dolls played a mix of tunes from both the self titled album and Yes Virginia. A couple of my favourites were included: Missed Me and Coin Operated Boy. The encore was particularly memorable though. The first song was the Mad World duet mentioned above, the second was done by Brian & Amanda (DD) and Jason; a cover of Bon Jovi's Living on a Prayer interspersed with philosophical debate regarding the contradictions within the lyrics. The evening concluded with Girl Anachronism.

I don't often get out to see bands anymore - but this was more than worth the effort, a true combination of performance art and amazing music. I've been pretty useless today, but I can't wait until they come back.
posted by Blue @ 7:57 pm   0 comments
Monday, September 18, 2006
A valued discussion*
*Caution - post is possibly incoherent & tangential

There has been a bit of discussion in the media regarding the new requirements to become a citizen of Australia and for the life of me it doesn't seem to make sense. Investigation of the Dept of Immigration website reveals significant differences between the Australian ideologies spouted and the realities of everyday politics as dispersed in the mass media.

The gap in the current potential stoush is that the current debate regarding citizenship fails to highlight the fact that in order to be considered for Australian Citizenship you must first have a Permanent Residence Visa (PRV). So the debate skirts the more important (to my mind) issue regarding how people get permanent residence visa's and the requirements for both PRV, TPV (Temporary Protection Visa) and THV (Temporary Offshore Humanitarian Visa).

The TPV and THV are the governments way of ensuring that refugees who have potentially been through hell to get to the land of the free Australia are going to damn well know their place and stay insecure (until they are returned to their now safe as determined by these stupid politicians who don't want to piss off the neighbours who are engaged in state based terrorism (but thats another post).

The current madness stems around the semantically broad term 'values'.

n : beliefs of a person or social group in which they have an emotional investment (either for or against something); "he has very conservatives values"

Everyone has values. However to state that we have national values is crap. Yes, we have some collective values some of which are enshrined in legislation; within social & religous groupings there are shared values - but whether those values are necessarily 'Strine' is another matter. In fact I'm reasonably confident that some of my values are contrary to those of the current dictatorship ruling power in Australia - but I'm safe chaps - I'm already a citizen.

Which brings me to the notion of values in a representational democracy [cough]; and a question:

If a politician is the elected representative of their electorate - should the values they purvey be those of the collective who voted them in? Their personal values? Those of their political party? Or merely some collected garble determined by some plummy mouthed politicians with their heads up the proverbial bum?

One more word:


n : lack of sophistication or worldliness


Thinking that terrorists won't be able to fulfill the requirements, but ordinary folks (mates in the making) will. Unless...... this is a possibly racist/religioust [sic] issue mmmmm

I think there's something in that for all of us.

posted by Blue @ 6:48 pm   0 comments
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Photo essay of an annual chore
Firstly - a big thankyou to Kerryn for reminding me to take my camera :-)

We began the afternoon by being introduced to the finer points of competitive shearing (it is afterall an agricultural show)

This is the chappy who won. He presented with the fine soubriquet 'Mullet'. His daughter was born 12hrs previous; accordingly I think he did very well for a man with no sleep & possibly under the influence....
This is wool post shearing, cleaning, spinning etc
Onto the handicrafts & some fine hats

Possibly the best wedding cake I've ever seen (down the slippery slope)
The Holden Precision Driving Team (complete with black armbands)

The part the kiddies are interested in*

Going quackers**

These people think they're part of the precision driving team (above) leading me to conclude that the majority of the population is heavily deluded and/or driving under the influence of excessive sugar.

And now a word from our sponsor

View towards the ocean, from the ferris wheel***

Awwww purdy

* In a couple of years they'll go with their friends & skip the first part.
** Sorry, couldn't resist
*** I love this photo
posted by Blue @ 9:05 pm   1 comments
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Home: Canberra, ACT, Australia
About Me: I'm a single mum with 2 terrors and 2 dogs. Recently moved to ACT for work. Musings on politics, life, philosophy etc. I have many aspirations, maybe I'll share them... maybe I won't :-)
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