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How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being. - Oscar Wilde
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. - Albert Einstein
Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge. - Mark Twain
I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him. - Mark Twain
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence. - Albert Einstein
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Flag Burning
I heard on the radio today that Resistance are selling 'flag burning kits'. For $5.00 you get:
Cigarette lighter
Australian Flag
Firestarter cube
Resistance Pamplets
Their stance is that burning the flag is a 'legitimate' form of protest against the policies of the government. WISE UP PEOPLE! The flag is the symbol of Australia regardless of who the encumbent political party is. Burning the flag demonstrates (despite their claims to the contrary) significant disrespect for the diggers and all who have fought & died for this country, all the athletes and others who complete for Australia.
If you want to protest against the policies of the government then may I suggest the following:
Burn *their* Party Flag
Petition - if you present your petition to your state/federal member they have a legal obligation to present it in parliament.
Get on first name basis with your political representatives - ensure they are doing their job of 'representing' you
Write letters
Debate in open forums (in a respectful & logical manner)
Talk to people
Burning the flag is disrespectful and hurtful to a great number of Australians both living & dead. Don't 'dis the country because you disagree with the government. All Resistance have done is create for themselves a lot of negative media.
Yes, excellent point. I would think this type of behaviour would come from those who haven't been educated in the type of protests that you've mentioned...
Hi Blue, Very interesting. I have yet to come to a position on this so I am glad I read yours. My grandfather, father, brother and myself have all served our country however I get a bit 'icky' about those who think we did it for a 'flag' especially since my grandfather was under the red British flag, dad under the blue Australian flag and I under the white ensign. Just a thought. Still thinking on this one however.
I take your point as this is one I have struggled with this also. It wasn't until I heard this woman (from resistance) on the radio explaining her reasons that it crystalised for me.
A lot of people need symbols; and the flag is a symbol - it is symbolic for those who embue it with the essences of patriotism, with their feelings, hopes, fears and security.
If the problem was with the country and everything that country stood for then I could understand the burnings. But to disrespect the flag on the basis of disagreeing the govt policy seemed [to me] to be ephemeral and illogical reasoning.
Blue, Thanks for stopping by my little world. Hope to see you again. Your site has been very interesting for a guy from the South, U.S. I will check back often. See ya.
Resistance have evolved from a generation with too much freedom and not enough responsibility. I think its a product of democratic society in Australia(and most of the western world) that people can think they have total freedom of expression and speech without the responsbility of tolerence, morals, respect and common courtesy to their countrymen.
we don't have pledging here - theres a lot of people who have been exceedingly peeved (myself amongst them) when the subject has been raised for Aussie schools. I guess part of the difference is we don't have legislated freedom of speech here so there is a different attitude towards 'freedom' of speech - we support it but with guidelines (that one will have to wait till we are in a bar)
I used another example in explaining my feelings about this:
I don't have any feelings about the flag whatsoever, but to provide an analogy - destroying icons in churches because of the actions of some priests.
It doesn't hurt the priests only those who have put faith in the icons. Likewise - burning the flag doesn't hurt the govt it hurts innocent people who have embued the flag with the same symbolism.
I just figure there are a heap more proactive & positive ways to change the govt & their policies. This method accomplishs very little positive other than the self satisfaction of the movement who cannot separate flag from govt.
Flag burning is not just disrespectful, but it is downright silly. Why burn your own flag when you can set your local state agents home on fire instead?
I mean, if you really want to make a statement, nothing says "I'm against you" like a nice prison stint for arson.
I agree with CP. Go for the real change. Citizens that burn the flag of the nation the still live in, its non-sense. Nothing says more I hate my country than putting yourself into self exile, other methods include go to vote for the guy that is not part of a two party system and convince as many people as you can to do the same.
I'm doing a debate for school and this website is great. i think that this website should be more public as every one should see this. keep it up and get it out there.
Well stated. I had not thought about it in that way. Thanks for opening my mind a little more.