Come with me on a journey through uncharted territory...
How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being. - Oscar Wilde
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. - Albert Einstein
Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge. - Mark Twain
I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him. - Mark Twain
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence. - Albert Einstein
Friday, April 28, 2006
For Posterity
I am doing group work. I have an ongoing hate relationship with uni groups. For one of my classes we have to write a paper as a 'group' and then individually critique the same paper written by a different group. We have some stellar talent in the class, so for your general enlightenment I have provided a quote from the person who critiqued my paper my groups paper:
My option was that all of the basic points where made but that the over use of quotes and references meant that there wasnt a solid response from clear understanding.
If anyone can tell me what it means, I would much appreciate it.
Take 2 not-as-small-as-they-used-to-be children, add 1 friend each, a refrigerated truck full of food, one full tank of petrol and drive.
Today we did a road trip, I try to do one of these per week of the holidays. We travelled 240km. We went to Ingalalla Falls, they were pretty, but not climbable so we looked then got back in the car. We headed to the Starfish Hill windfarm. The 2 visiting kiddies had never seen it - I love the view - it is a surreal art landscape of modern windmills. I don't understand the claims about noise - it is almost impossible to hear the low thrum thrum over the fierce winds. Watching the rain come in over the ocean from Kangaroo Island was magnificent.
From there we discovered Talisker Conservation Park - containing the remnents of Talisker Mine. Having tramped all around the historical area we then jumped back in the now exceedingly muddy car & headed for Selwyn's Glacier Rock.
That was pretty awesome - just the history and the size of the rock - plus its really pretty :-)
Determining that the kiddies were not suitably exhausted, we then headed for Victor Harbour & Granite Island. Made them walk the entire perimeter of the island (including causeway there & back); we were rewarded by the sight of fairy penguins in their nests and the awesome power of the ocean. Plus some beautiful interference patterns caused by waves going around the island.
Overall a good day - all are tired, but that good, well earned exhaustion, which will hopefully lead them all to dreamlessly sleep for a long time.
Apologies for lack of photos - discovered too late the camera battery was dead :-(
Researchers from Princeton, USC and University of Michigan have found a way to significantly reduce the energy currently used in electric light bulbs.
The organic light-emitting diode (OLED) emits a brilliant white light when attached to an electricity supply. The material can be printed in wafer thin sheets that allow furniture and walls to be used as a light source.
This is a wonderful achievement for the ongoing sustainability of the planet, as electricity plants are a high source of pollution, and the OLED requires significantly less electricity. In addition, producing a natural light (which I appreciate more as I get older).
The degeneration (eyes & ears) has been gradual. More obvious for mother than father.
She talks and he points. He walks around the farm at night without torch - it drives her nuts cause she can't see where he is. So she yells at him......
But this morning while talking to her on the phone, I realised the silliness has reached new depths.
Father stores the cooking oil spray next to the PeaBeau (insect spray). Mother decides to cook.......
Once upon a time there was a woman who left a bad marriage. She left with the clothes on her back & little else. Being somewhat poor at this time, she accepted all offers of furniture.
She was grateful for the items that others considered junk, because it was all she had. She learnt to make a home from the debris of her own & others lives. The couch was stained and cat scratched. The cupboard was dented and scratched. A sheet to cover the couch & a coat of paint covered the worst of the asthetic ills.
Over time this woman worked her (not so little) butt off, to create a better life for herself. She was gradually able to 'upgrade' and buy herself some nice furniture. Thinking it would be a good thing to 'pass it forward' she decided to donate the furniture instead of dumping it.
The salvation army & st vincent de paul both rejected her furniture. 'Oh we couldn't give that to someone' 'Doesn't matter if you don't have much, you still have the right to pride'
Well this woman begged to differ and so do I.
People become poverty struck for various reasons, some through circumstance, some through the choices they make.
But something has to be better than nothing. If I have the choice between the cold ground and a crappy couch - I'll take the crappy couch. Maybe it will give me the incentive to pull my socks up and get something better.
If I have nothing, then the only way is up. I can be proud of my efforts to get myself out of my quagmire - but why should I be proud of belongings given not earnt? As if I had a right to the best?
I believe the culture we have, where people just expect to be given is WRONG. What happened to elbow grease, work ethics and 'old fashioned' get up and go?
I think the words 'delayed gratification' have disappeared as concepts from the collective consciousness of society & it peeves me greatly.
I work hard and put up with daily frustrations to make my kids work for what they want. It may not be the easiest road, but I'll be damned before I'll let them learn that they can just expect and get. I like them too much to set them up for the depths of failure that reality will provide for them as they get older.
Well, boredom set in & my email is slowly taking over space that I require for music, so I have set up another site for posting the amusements that fill my email on a daily basis.
I figured that if I find them amusing, someone else is bound to...... (or not as the case maybe)
Have a look if you want. I'm not putting a site meter or anything on it - cause its main purpose is to free space on my hard drive 1kb at a time.
**EDIT: Jack has suggested I create members for Blue Cow to enable others to post their funnies also. If you want to do this, let me know - either in comments or send me an email :-)
2 pakastani men (MSK & MAK) have today been sentenced to 19 & 28 years in Gaol for the gang rape of women in Sydney.
Much to the disgust of many, these two 'men' claimed that their strict moral and cultural upbringing meant that they did not know that their actions were wrong.
This is the scary & truly horrific part - that in their culture, it is 'ok' to abuse women who venture out without the protection of male relatives.
Fortunately Justice Peter Hidden denied their claim and has put them behind bars for a significant period of time.
Perhaps Australia needs to follow the Dutch model of providing a video to potential immigrants showing our culture & way of life, with the option to go elsewhere if they cannot live within our society.
But I couldn't. My skin crawls at the views expressed by pathetic men with little penis's. Even worse is the opinions of the pathetic women who support them.
These 'men' claim that it is emasculating for women to be career orientated and independent. BUT its ok for them.
Get a grip boys - appreciate the woman for who she is & she will give you the same respect in return.
The article on Feministing & the comments say it far more articulately than I have the energy for.
South African Health Minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang has once again stretched out her claws, this time denying TAC (South African HIV campaign group - Treatment Action Campaign) access to the UN Discussion on HIV/AIDS.
It is estimated that between 5 & 6 million people are infected with HIV/AIDS in Africa.
Her problem?
TAC advocate & compaign for the provision of free retro-viral drugs to combat the pandemic.
The health minister (strongly supported by President Thabo_Mbeki) believes that vitamins are more beneficial and suggests that those with AIDS should eat more lemons, beetroot & garlic.
There are a number of reasons for the pandemic, amongst them resistance to the use of condoms. The Catholic church has had a significant role in this (no surprises there) - as they promote abstinence rather than being realistic about disease control.
Australian Health Minister Tony Abbott & Minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang should form a health ministers alliance 'Drachonian Catholic Dumbass's'.
The US$2.5m (£1.4m) study was done over a decade at six major US medical centres and involved 1,800 patients who had heart bypass surgery.
The patients - 65 per cent of whom said they believed in the power of prayer - were split into three groups. Two were prayed for, the third was not. Of those who were prayed for, one group was told so, and the others were told merely that they may or may not be prayed for.
After 30 days, however, the death rates and incidence of major complications was about the same across all three groups, said a report published in the American Heart Journal.
"Intercessory prayer itself had no effect on whether complications occurred (and) patients who were certain that intercessors would pray for them had a higher rate of complications than patients who were uncertain but did receive intercessory prayer," it said.
The study was not intending to prove/disprove the existence of God, but it has raised intriguing questions about whether people should be told others are praying for them. A slightly higher proportion of whose who knew they were the subject of prayers suffered complications than those who did not.
The difference was very small - 59 per cent compared to 51 per cent - but researchers wonder if the problems among those who knew they were being prayed for reflected in part a "performance anxiety," said Charles Bethea, an Oklahoma cardiologist and an author of the study. "It may have made them uncertain, wondering, 'Am I so sick they had to call in a prayer team?'"
Ultimately, the study is not terribly scientific. There is no empirical method of determining either the 'quality' or quantity of prayer involved. Perhaps a less than benevolent God has weightings on prayer enabling greater results for the recipients???
Many people think you're extremely dull, but you're just trying to patient. Really patient. Patient to the point of absurdity, quite frankly. Whatever you're waiting for isn't going to just come along, so you can stop waiting. I promise. Move on with your life. Change of scenery might do you good. Heck, any scenery might do you good. In the meantime, you do make for very interesting conversation.