Come with me on a journey through uncharted territory...
How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being. - Oscar Wilde
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. - Albert Einstein
Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge. - Mark Twain
I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him. - Mark Twain
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence. - Albert Einstein
But I couldn't. My skin crawls at the views expressed by pathetic men with little penis's. Even worse is the opinions of the pathetic women who support them.
These 'men' claim that it is emasculating for women to be career orientated and independent. BUT its ok for them.
Get a grip boys - appreciate the woman for who she is & she will give you the same respect in return.
The article on Feministing & the comments say it far more articulately than I have the energy for.
I not only support women's choices to follow whatever career they choose (or none at all), I wish I was a house-husband. I would much rather take care of the home than spend my life in soul-sucking corporate America pursuing the almighty dollar.
That's my one gripe with the feminist point of view - who decided that the men have better assigned roles in our society? The women have to stay home while the men get to go to work and die in combat. Yay for the double standard - we really lucked out on that one. :p
Hmmm....Grant...perhaps you're misunderstanding the true nature of feminism. feminism doesnt' claim that the so-called traditional man's role is better per se - only that because we as a society are stuffed into roles(women and men) we have limited our options, curtailed our choices, and of course,suffer the consequences. economically, women suffer more than men in this scenario and are penalized (less money and career opportunity)for bearing and raising children (which is still considered to be our primary function - even in this enlightened day - even though in the US there are more women working outside the home than work within it).
Blue - couldn't connect with the link for the article you're referring to. can you provide the url?
Yeah I find that men are really ridiculous about this. The fact is that we women have the world available to us now. We have even more options than men! This has GOT to get to them a little. :)
Grant - men don't have 'better' assigned roles. But in a capitalistic society those with the money have the power over those who don't. I would have been happy with a house husband - but he sat on his arse for 10months & did nothing.
Women (IMO)care little for roles when no roles is thrust upon them or expected of them. It is the limited options available to women that grates.
Bird - thank you for your comments. The URL is:>1=7964
Graf: - not quiet the same. In financial & time terms we get stuck holding the baby. If you see my previous post on work life balance URL: You will see that women work on average 90hrs per week, while men work 50. There are still massive inequalities. It is only by women training their sons & getting rid of the pompous patriarchal pricks in parliament (I do love alliteration) that we will clear the way for our children to live in a more enlightened & equal society.
How small must a man really be to be so 'emasculated' by the freedom and choices of women? With such a tiny brain and such a tiny fragile ego and such a tiny... well you see what I am getting at. They still reckon we have it all when wonen are still not getting equal pay for equal work and it is 2006!!! With the new IR laws guess who is going to get the blunt end of the stick..again!? Yup women. They are the ones who do most of the casual/part time work and so when there is no work..phhhffft off they go until there is work to put them back on..but at a lower pay!
"Family-work-life balance". Could someone explain that to me? Has it ever been achieved by anyone anywhere? Thanks for the great post Blue!
I not only support women's choices to follow whatever career they choose (or none at all), I wish I was a house-husband. I would much rather take care of the home than spend my life in soul-sucking corporate America pursuing the almighty dollar.
That's my one gripe with the feminist point of view - who decided that the men have better assigned roles in our society? The women have to stay home while the men get to go to work and die in combat. Yay for the double standard - we really lucked out on that one. :p