Quotes: |
How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being. - Oscar Wilde |
Quotes: |
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. - Albert Einstein |
Quotes: |
Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge. - Mark Twain |
Quotes: |
I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him. - Mark Twain |
Quotes: |
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence. - Albert Einstein |
Monday, July 16, 2007 |
8 Random Facts About Me |
Polly tagged me via Bird... I thank her for her faith that I would respond....
- I have 2 brothers and they both have an acquired brain injury. The first accident was my youngest brother just before his 12th birthday. He was showing off and fell 75 feet out of a tree.. and only broke his head. That was 20 years ago this year, he now lives with his girlfriend and does volunteer work at the local football club. Oh - and he still qualifies for mensa, despite being quite socially dysfunctional :-) The second was the brother below me, who was a moron (and still is IMHO) who got involved in a drunken, drug fueled brawl and was cleaned up by a drunk driver... somehow this is my fault - I haven't seen him for 12 years and am quite pleased about it.
- When I was 13 I played the bagpipes. There is nothing more haunting than the sound of bagpipes played well, which is why I no longer play ROFL
- I started reading at 18months old. My earliest memory is sitting on the toilet lid reading my dad a story while he had his shower. I was reading a massive red book. I was completely chuffed when my grandma showed me the book in later years and it was a little red (golden) book... gosh I was little
- My 2nd & 3rd toes on each foot are on the same knuckle.. so I only have 4 knuckles on each foot... Never caused me any problems until I spent hours each week en pointe... was a contributing factor to me NOT being a ballerina. Well, that and the size of my arse and thighs and the kindness I have for male ballet dancers in not forcing them to have to lift such acreage.
- I have never been overseas (not counting Kangaroo Island). I have great plans however, now that I have a 'real' job... ie one with paid holidays.
- I was the first girl in my group of friends to kiss a boy; and the last to lose my virginity.. nuff said
- My daughter was born in a bath, and the midwife was so excited she took a photo because it was her first waterbirth too.... It was the most amazing experience, and I did it ALL BY MYSELF!!!!!
- My nickname (blue) came about for 3 reasons: I am a redhead; I loved blues clues (with the original steve, who didn't die despite all rumours to the contrary) & I have a dirty mouth & it has been suggested that I need a ladder to get back in the gutter :-)
Aren't you glad I shared.... I don't know who to tag, cause I've been MIA for a while now - so if you are inspired (and who wouldn't be frankly) then I challenge you to take up this worthwhile meme and propagate for all eternity..Labels: fun, meme |
posted by Blue @ 7:36 pm  |
Saturday, May 12, 2007 |
Not a pity ponder |
I was warned prior to coming to Canberra that it can be a lonely place. I suspect that relocating state holds this same fear regardless of where the move is from or to. Don’t get me wrong, I have made friends since I have been here, however the losing of history is one of the biggest difficulties I have found. Loss of history can be both a blessing and a curse; a blessing because everyone has things that they would rather not dwell on and would be happy to forget (alas often forgiveness is easier). Conversely, these same negative experiences and occurrences are fundamental to shaping the person we are at any point in time subsequent to the event/experience. So in seeking to leave these behind (even if the ultimate goal was moving towards something in the future rather than running from something in the past) the tendency becomes to dwell on those events…. What to share with new people? What to avoid?
It can be hard work meeting new people, guarding your tongue until hidden prejudices, opinions and fears are revealed, for fear of unknowing sabotage of potential human contact at a personal level. Not hiding who you are, but guarding against unintentional hurt and potential loneliness. The difficulty stems from having been with (in the home state) those who need no explanation for seemingly tangential or erroneous comments or perspectives, from having people who know and love you well enough to laugh both at, near and with you. I miss knowing people well enough to hug them. I miss hugs!
These feelings are not a constant, there can be joy in finding another human with whom connection is made on a mental level (usually I find through humour) and the adventure of newness can be exciting and fun! But every so often these feelings hit and for one prone to over analysis, are periodically difficult to shake.
So having done a brain dump on the greater world I will shake my melancholy and find a new adventure.

Labels: musings |
posted by Blue @ 11:24 am  |
Thursday, February 22, 2007 |
Show us your politics Kirby! |
Chief Justice Michael Kirby is presiding over a case being held in the high court regarding the intricacies of the defence power in the Australian Constitution. Brief precis of the case is that Joseph Thomas was convicted under anti-terrorism laws imposed by the government after september 11 (hands up those who kept the fridge magnet - yes both of you). His conviction was overturned after it was found that key prosecution evidence was inadmissable; the federal police then slapped a control order on him which force him to comply with the following:
- Curfew between midnight & 5am
- Only allowed to have mobile & land line approved by AFP
- Must apply in writing to make phone calls
- Must not communicate with known terrorists
- Must agree to be fingerprinted
- Must not leave Australia
Now I personally can't see a problem with the first point or the last 3 (fingerprinting would have already been done whether he agreed or not), but the rest I think are a little excessive.
It would appear at this point as if Justice Kirby agrees. He makes the very clear point that more people die from AIDS every day than were killed in September 11 and in response to Commonwealth Solicitor-General Mr Bennett QC's comment that
"one cannot say" September 11 was something that was only affecting the US, since al-Qaeda materials were "replete" with specific threats to Australia." Justice Kirby responded asking whether those references were made:
"after Australia participated in the war in Iraq?" It will be very interesting to see what the outcome is of this test case challenge against the constitution.
More info here, here & here. |
posted by Blue @ 8:44 pm  |
Thursday, February 01, 2007 |
Blue Chameleon |
, you're now logged in! Below you'll find your test result. After, continue on to your homescreen to discover what we're about.
The Harlequin
You scored 42% Cardinal, 43% Monk, 44% Lady, and 37% Knight! | You are a mystery, a jack-of-all-trades. You have the king's ear, but also listen to murmurings of the common folk. You believe in the value of force and also literature. Truly you are the puzzlement of the age. |  |
Labels: fun, quiz |
posted by Blue @ 5:18 pm  |
Sunday, January 28, 2007 |
The Ship Has Landed.... |
Well after a somewhat eventful journey, we have arrived and are somewhat settled!
So much to tell.....
We arrived to blazing temperatures, fortunately the apartments we were staying in had a pool which was great until the second day when the sky opened and presented us with this:

Oddly enough, the kids were back in the pool at 10 the next morning. Must have been freezing with all that hail! Some of the rocks were really big - almost ping pong ball size - twas a little bizarre. Since then of course it has been quite warm.
Moving right along, we found somewhere to live & have an excellent landlord - I knew rental prices were exorbitant - the worst bit is what you get for the excessive amount of money - which is not very much. We do have a large yard, which is very much appreciated by the four footed family members, however the possums are a bit of a pain with their eerie sounds and the challenges they offer to said small dogs at 2am - dogs are now in night detention :-)
Of less fun has been the removalist saga - henceforth they shall be known as the 'R' word - to be removed from my vocabulary with much less drama than the forced [sic] removal of the 'M' word. They managed to lose some very esoteric items (shelves from my pantry, pedestal from the pedestal fan etc) as well as a box of beloved hardcover books - this is in addition to some wanton damage of furniture I have managed to move many times previously without so much as a scratch - so much for using professionals!
I haven't started work yet - very much looking forward to it though, especially as my brain is beginning to atrophy! Now I'm back on the net I shall begin playing catch up on my blog reading, so apologies for any belated commenting I may partake of.
I hope you all had a merry christmas & a fantastic new year!Labels: musings, travel |
posted by Blue @ 4:58 pm  |
Sunday, December 17, 2006 |
Packing Sux!!!! |
I've been in this house for 5 years - I was so pleased not to be doing the annual rental move. 5 years enables a lot of crap to accumulate, so when I was told that the removalists would pack everything except clothes and personal items I cheered; Until I realised that this meant that everything had to be sorted out. No throwing stuff in a box thinking I would sort it at the other end - it must be sorted before the removalists arrive - I have 2 days. Am I scared? Hell yeah.
I'm looking forward to the move being over. I'm overjoyed I won't have to pack my books again. Last time I moved I had friends help me pack the books and by the end of the night the labels included: 'more fucking books' & 'I'm never packing these fucking books again' - so some prophecies have been fulfilled.
It feels surreal to have finished work - I had a little cry when I handed my keys and security pass back - I love (most of) the people I worked with and enjoyed the work I did, but the prospect of more of the same with few challenges was not enthralling. I have new horizons and challenges before me - a new set of office politics, new hierarchies and new ways of doing things. New shops, streets, schools and (hopefully) friends. I tell the kids about the adventures we will have, hiding my fears that I will be isolated and alone. When I'm rested I don't think this will be the case, but at times when the logistics seem overwhelming and I'm tired of being both mum & dad to 2 very excited small people then the pessimism sets in.
Work gave me an iPAQ as a going away present - its a mini PDA with MP3 capability - twas the perfect present given my love of gadgets and toys, so I will have fun learning all its ins and outs and inputting information which previously resided in my diary (due to expire).
I will be without internet *gasp* probably until I start work as I won't be able to afford anything else [sob]. I suspect that I will have reams to read by the time I get back, so apologies in advance for any belated commenting.
So until I return:
Zoe, good luck with the new bubs &Duck, I hope you are feeling better & have a great Christmas DoZ, have a great trip Everyone else - I hope you have a wonderful Christmas & New Year & try really hard not to miss me LOL |
posted by Blue @ 7:45 pm  |
Thursday, December 07, 2006 |
Countdown..... |
20 days to go!
The house is clean Exams are over (grades pending) House is clean Work is hectic I've re-read my entire Georgette Heyer collection & I'm nearly through Terry Pratchett....
So in 1 week I finish work to have my first real holiday (ie don't have to work at all) for ever! wooohooo
Its quite a bizarre feeling to face the unknown - knowing that I will have to learn new streets and broader geography, new people, new numbers (aarrrgghhh numbers).
Kiddies are very excited. Small boy decided that he will only be nervous on the first day, but as it turns out they won't be the only new kids on the first day of school. There are 39 schools slated for closure in Canberra, and the government in their usual efficient fashion aren't advising until the 13th (2 days before school finishes for the year). So there will be other new kids, unsure of a new school and looking for new friends.
I hope everyone has a good christmas & gets what they want in a realistic fashion (would like to send world peace your way Jack & Peaches but I can't promise)....
Be well. |
posted by Blue @ 9:24 am  |