Come with me on a journey through uncharted territory...
How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being. - Oscar Wilde
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. - Albert Einstein
Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge. - Mark Twain
I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him. - Mark Twain
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence. - Albert Einstein
Those attending hope it will help replace images of violence in Cronulla with images of racial harmony.
Why women? Perhaps its because feminist struggles are more recent and still have a way to go. Maybe its because women are used to promoting peace in the workplace, community and home (not necessarily in that order).
Given the major issues Australia is facing which include racism, IR Reform, civil liberties perhaps its time that the PEOPLE of Oz began to fight back against our conservative, capitalist, authoritarian govt.
If men AND women fight the good fight - we'll triumph once more.
What happened in Cronulla is a prime example of 'people having it up to here' While I'm not excusing their behavior, I'm asking about reciprocal outrage to other acts of violence and chants of 'death to america' and 'behead them all'
Women care for the young, the sick and the elderly in our communites so they care about how the community is behaving. Women are the keepers of the flame of tolerance, safety and good behaviour. Hope the conservatives can learn to change, so that our community will be kept healthy and free of fear. Come the revolution (especially with today being the first day of the new IR laws) hopefully it will be women (probably not conservatives however) that will lead the call to equality, fairness and compassion.
Pete the raciscm has been between gangs of 1st & 2nd generation Australian/lebanese youths and groups of mixed 1st & 2nd generation Australian/other youths.
Blue, Your assertion that you've yet to see a conservative group show compassion is ridiculous. Simply because they have different ideas about how society should be doesn't mean that they are insensitive to others. Take for example the death penalty issue......I say conservatives are compassionate to victims, whereas liberals are compassionate towards the dregs of society. Conservatives are compassionate towards unborn children, taxpayers and innocent lawabiding citizens. yadda yadda ya What it all boils down to is that whether you lean to the left or the right, neither is 'better' more compassionate etc. they both want the same things out of life for everyone, they just have conflicting views of the best way to achieve it.
So, the women are leading the way. In organized complaining. Who would have thought?
I'm not giving you a hard time. In fact, I support whatever you're tring to do. I think it's cute. Keep up your widdle protests, girlies. Just make sure my dinner doesn't get cold. :p
Geez. Who would have thought Stitches et al have come out to say how compassionate conservatives are.... I have one thing to say to you Kimmy... bullshit.
Well who would've thought......the boring frog comes out once again to attack me personally when at a loss for words.
It was my understanding that Blue wanted good debate and discussion on her blog. I stopped posting here before to avoid you and your hatefulness Alison. However, Blue is my friend and in future I will simply ignore you and your childish responses to intelligent discussion.
Stitches, if I understand you correctly "...conservatives are compassionate to victims, whereas liberals are compassionate towards the dregs of society. Conservatives are compassionate towards unborn children, taxpayers and innocent lawabiding citizens." Hmm, an interesting notion. Is it possible that liberals have a higher level of compassion that includes the dregs of society? I wonder?
I found this through Sherlock at
Liberal adj 1: showing or characterized by broad-mindedness; "a broad political stance"; "generous and broad sympathies"; "a liberal newspaper"; "tolerant of his opponent's opinions" [syn: broad, large-minded, tolerant] 2: having political or social views favoring reform and progress 3: tolerant of change; not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or tradition [ant: conservative]
Conservative adj 1: resistant to change [ant: liberal] 2: opposed to liberal reforms 3: avoiding excess; "a conservative estimate" [syn: cautious] 4: unimaginatively conventional; "a colorful character in the buttoned-down, dull-gray world of business"- Newsweek [syn: button-down, buttoned-down] 5: conforming to the standards and conventions of the middle class; "a bourgeois mentality" [syn: bourgeois, materialistic]
Well Jack, you seem to have missed the point. This here conservative isn't intolerant of your views. It seems only the 'tolerant progressives' that I know are INtolerant of MY views.
I haven't called anyone names here or elsewhere. I've tried to discuss issues on the issues. There's one person here who can only answer reason with words like 'bullshit' and 'yucky'. That's the progressive intolerance of which I speak, and its rampant.
Furthermore I haven't tried to insinuate that liberals aren't compassionate simply because their interests lie in the opposite direction than mine. I was merely attempting to defend my own since the statement was made by a liberal, that conservative groups are not compassionate.
Because you are so much more evolved than conservatives are Jack, and are therefore more compassionate towards people who commit heinous crimes against others, does not mean you have dibs on the finest of human traits. And it also doesn't reflect on my OWN compassion. Which was the whole point, Jack. We want the same things, (peace, prosperity, good health yadda yadda) but believe in different avenues to obtain those goals.
I used the victims/criminals to illustrate a point. You missed it.
I don't need your definitions of political views, though someone else here might :-)
This issue is one of great concern to me because it effects a lot of what goes on in society at the present. Liberals and conservatives are at each others throats and its stupid and wrong. On so many areas people agree to disagree, and I'm happy to discuss conflicting viewpoints with others, and walk away knowing that they won't change my mind, nor I theirs, but we both may have leave the discussion with a greater understanding of each other. Apparently this is something that others don't value, and frankly it does indeed piss me off when someone makes grand sweeping generalized and completely false statements aimed at denigrating anothers view simply because it is in opposition to their own.
Calling conservatives uncompassionate people is like a slap in the face, its an insult of a high degree, its saying they have no feelings or caring for others, simply because you don't understand the way they think doesn't mean you know their heart. And while Blue said she'd never seen a conservative group that was compassionate, its the same thing as groups are made up of people. A Group doesn't have an idea, the people within the group do.
I have many liberal friends who are tolerant & accepting of other points of view. We can disagree on anything & they never call me names or use trashy language...they are all intelligent, educated people capable of making an argument about the subject matter.
This is the last time I will comment on this type of thing because I think it's all pretty stupid & not worthy of my time.
Alison: Being *liberal* means you're meant to be tolerant of more than just the scum bags in should also be capable of being tolerant of people who merely disagree with you.
Using derogatory, insulting, condescending language or otherwise childish behaviour does not equate to making an argument. Grow up.
Stiches, I just asked questions. Thank you for your answers.
I don't think I missed anything. Did you? I wonder?
I am not intolerant of your views. I just think they are a little narrow.
When criminals choose to behave the way they do, they deserve the consequences. I have no problem with that. I also believe that the victims such behavior need to be cared for.
You might find this article on responsibility of interest. Or not. The choice is yours.
Well that sort of went sideways I think....The government was most certainly not the problem in Cronulla.