Come with me on a journey through uncharted territory...
How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being. - Oscar Wilde
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. - Albert Einstein
Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge. - Mark Twain
I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him. - Mark Twain
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence. - Albert Einstein
Monday, March 06, 2006
Don't give away all our secrets Amanda....
I'm in a conundrum over this woman. Generally I don't like her. But then she comes out with something sensible, like her comments over the RU486 debate:
I note, incidentally, that some of the churches who are opposed to any form of abortion can somehow come to the concept of what is referred to as a 'just war'. I am at a loss to marry the two. If you can come to a view that there can be a just war, why can there never be a just abortion? I cannot see it, and I have never had it answered.
Now though she is publically using the 'yes dear' patronisation against the historic perpetrators:
First, do not call male ministers stupid......Men don't like being criticised generally in front of other people … if a woman does it, it is even worse. The best thing was not to tell the male minister that his idea was stupid but rather to call it interesting then suggest an alternative.
Now my Gran gave me this advice years ago, but I thought it was secret womans business - now the bits of the world who read this paper know too.
Now if we could just stop her from deporting the wrongpeople to the wrong country and somehow prevent her from putting refugees in gaol, she might just turn into a decent human.
This Yanquis needs an education - Amanda must be some political person in the land down under. But I am very much intrigued by this idea of a just war and a just abortion.
Many of said that the US atomic bombing of Japan was just - in that it saved countless American soldiers' lives and ended the war sooner than could otherwise have been expected. I am not so sure...
And if there truly is no just war,or justifiable violent act then, well, there is no justifiable abortion (I am wandering into a horrible place here - as a I am a pacifist at heart, yet believe there are times you kill and times you put yourself up on the block to be killed in order to protect.
Sorry for the ramble - now tell me please - who is Amanda?
Randy Mandy, as we here in our house call her, surprised me as well on RU486. The idea that you don't talk to men like that comes from my mother's knee as well. She always said to me in her quiet way"Men's egos are very fragile so you must be sure to protect them from delicate criticism". Interesting isn't it? Well since Mandy has a husband and numerous dogs, but will not reproduce I guess her advice will stop there. So much for equality. Ahhhh... yes will she stop the gaoling? Who can tell? She has been put in place to soften the position of Immigration, but how to wind back ol' Ruddock's harshness.... time will tell. I agree...nahhhh she won't change she is a very ambitions person. Great subject blue.
I wonder if the idea that the soul doesn't attach to the body until the moment of birth would change their argument. If folks don't think abortion is proper, why don't they spend the energy to promote safe sex? And what is this with no abortion, but capital punishment is OK?
Killing is killing is killing!
I, too, have heard the comment about protecting men's egos. Thank goodness someone was listening. Now, if we could just get women to follow that advice. (ongue in cheek here folks.) My wife and daughters are constantly testing my ego strength and I am the more blessed for it.
This Yanquis needs an education - Amanda must be some political person in the land down under. But I am very much intrigued by this idea of a just war and a just abortion.
Many of said that the US atomic bombing of Japan was just - in that it saved countless American soldiers' lives and ended the war sooner than could otherwise have been expected. I am not so sure...
And if there truly is no just war,or justifiable violent act then, well, there is no justifiable abortion (I am wandering into a horrible place here - as a I am a pacifist at heart, yet believe there are times you kill and times you put yourself up on the block to be killed in order to protect.
Sorry for the ramble - now tell me please - who is Amanda?