Come with me on a journey through uncharted territory...
How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being. - Oscar Wilde
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. - Albert Einstein
Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge. - Mark Twain
I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him. - Mark Twain
Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence. - Albert Einstein
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Literacy is over-rated (unless you are paying cash)
For some time now I have been planning on blogging some of the more memorable examples of illiteracy presented by students at my university. Now that the botoxed wonder has spoken - I take her point - literacy is over-rated except by communists and paying for your education (because you aren't smart enough or didn't work hard enough) is a valid mechanism for devaluing education!! **
A number of these are full fee paying students - can you guess which ones?
For ease of reference I have categorised them as follows:
Coherence or Not:
Good explanation of some of the security treats in e-commerce environments
Question 1 has nearly a proper definition of every threats.
They have provided references for every definition,though more use of textbook is done which I guess is okay , but they should give more information from the net as well
The paper however is inhibited by issues
The web reference should contain a date viewed and the use of uncommon words.
The report is easy to read and follow. It is a good report. However, some of questions are not answered in a complete way.
Yet the traditional way does allowed consumers to purchase products and services online at their own convenience and prepare the budget according to their income without any additional charges such as surcharge, credit card charges and others. Consumers not able to control the times while browsing on the Internet since a large list of products and services that may providing an additional advantage and less advantage by purchasing certain product or services. Therefore, the airtime of browsing online may increase the bills in other hands.
what one person may offensive
While the laws theoretically strict, in reality they are not enforced to the full extent of the law.
This is a cost effective way of monitor the countries security of it's online environment.
I didn't like the idea of the introduction; it started by putting the thought of an attempt being made in my head and not a factual, academic paper.
the group have given started of well
What is a bogey email address, is this a golfing term?
Apart from answering the second part first and the first part second, i felt this was the strongest part of the report.
Sentence/Paragraph Confused? I am.
In relation to the second part of the question there was no mention of the word tiger teams which lead me to conclude that the last paragraph was to answer the second part of the question, however I felt the question did not lead me to the conclusion of the groups thoughts where on how secure hiring tiger teams to test security vulnerability was, the answer may have been there but it was not made clear to me.
This quote was put in to give evidence to why the US government wants/needs to restrict the exportation of encryption systems, but understandable that it is dismissing the US policy on the restriction but it still gives evidence at why they have the policy in the first place. BUT the explanation of the quote is very vague and should have a better explanation for using it in the first place.
Mixed Messages:
Overall the groups report read well although I have a few comments regarding some parts, well done.
This question is answered well, maybe a little too well.
References do not need to come from the university database, although that is a convenient source for journals as it requires little research on your part.
Forgive me if I'm naive but what do you mean by in-text references? References within the text book?
All the sources cited are basically from peer reviewed journal articles which normally are very reliable and form a wealth of information to go by
The internet has grown from a small university network, constructed by the United States' National Science Foundation in 1983
Critique: There seems to be an over use Wikipedia information. This is not as a professional source of information because of its freely-available nature and its motto "the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit". It is also not sanctioned for referencing by any reputable education or research organization. Whole paragraphs have been copied (although referenced) straight from its articles.
Response: We do not agree. We believe the freedom to change produces good information, with little bias to the educational institution.
In the statement "methods to win customer' fidelity and ease" a more appropriate word would have been loyalty, as I had to look up fidelity in a dictionary to find the meaning in terms of you wording. Fidelity is correct in the meaning you wanted but it is more common as a music meaning. The reader may get confused.
Can the group supply some clarification on "waffly", what is waffly?
Also you only gave one disadvantage to e-marketing what about unscrupulas vendors and the such
But like I said at the beginning a good paper overall that is well writen even if question 2 didnt realyy answer the question.
But there are a few points that can be rebuttled.
Some of the sentence structures lacked some joining words, however an understanding could still be made
I would say that China has alot of control over it's people in the way that they use fear and propergander.
there where a number of speling and grammer mistakes
I hate to say it but unfortunately this paper did not read well for me, there were quiet a few questioning remarks
This case, although was very informative on the topic and has shown good referencing, I found it to be slapped together in non-adhesive parts. Especially the first section.
the flow was interrupted consistantly by referenced material,
A very good and well written case. The best I have read this semester (besides my own groups of course)! All answers were relevant and covered the questions being asked, even if somewhat lacking in depth.
Mills & Boon***:
However, the thing that struck me here is something that I see quite often (and what I say here, I say with the best of intentions; I'm not knocking you, just trying to make you see the picture as I see it). I think that we as students, for example writing this paper about Tiger Teams with the knowledge that it will probably only ever be read by students and staff of our "E-Biz" course, tend to 'pitch' the level of the paper to our supposed readers.
This is of course natural, and we see it in all circles of life, but I don’t think it's necessarily a good thing. I think we need to try to make the target audience of our papers a little more widespread. What I am saying here is that your discussion of the pros and cons of hiring Tiger Teams would have been not just adequate (as yours definitely was, and there’s nothing wrong with that) but really "sparking" if you had pitched it a little lower, added a little more, forgotten the pre-requisite knowledge that you assume we all have, and really gotten in there and done a summary in words of one syllable.
To summarize what I am saying here - when I read a paper, I want it to take me to the heights, but I'm not the typical student. I'm a middle aged lady (almost old, in fact, *sigh*), and I'm tired. Don't make me climb a cliff to get there – show me the stars, and then give me the steps. Our readers here in E-Biz are all advanced students and/or academics, and we all do have the knowledge that we credit each other with. We are able to understand whatever the others of us are trying to say, but let's make it really easy and readable and "fun". I always feel that papers that make the reader rack their brains to see what they're saying, rather than just slide into it easily and then strive to reach the summit of the presentation, make it more difficult than is necessary. Do you agree? And if not, then why not?
** These examples are all taken from a 2nd year course where as a group we had to write a paper which was then loaded to a repository; individually we were then required to critique another groups paper - all in all an excruciating task!
***This was all from one paper - but it would be cruel (albeit amusing) to post the whole thing
To summarize what I am saying here - when I read a paper, I want it to take me to the heights, but I'm not the typical student. I'm a middle aged lady (almost old, in fact, *sigh*), and I'm tired. Don't make me climb a cliff to get there – show me the stars, and then give me the steps. Our readers here in E-Biz are all advanced students and/or academics, and we all do have the knowledge that we credit each other with. We are able to understand whatever the others of us are trying to say, but let's make it really easy and readable and "fun". I always feel that papers that make the reader rack their brains to see what they're saying, rather than just slide into it easily and then strive to reach the summit of the presentation, make it more difficult than is necessary. Do you agree? And if not, then why not?
Don't make me think. Spoon feed me. Tell me what to believe.
I see this same attitude in my real estate classes. I have to bite my tongue on occasion to keep from being sarcastic.
The "question answered too well" thing reminds me of the times I've been forced to give updates in meetings only to receive indirect feedback that I give too much information.
there where a number of speling and grammer mistakes
But then this is even better:
References do not need to come from the university database, although that is a convenient source for journals as it requires little research on your part.
I'm sorry but that should be grounds from expulsion from the uni :)
I also like the entire Mills & Boon but I guess the best of all is:
This question is answered well, maybe a little too well.
They are all appalling.
I know, I recognized some of my own failings.
As usual, many students want the easy way out.
The paragraph that amused me the most was this:
To summarize what I am saying here - when I read a paper, I want it to take me to the heights, but I'm not the typical student. I'm a middle aged lady (almost old, in fact, *sigh*), and I'm tired. Don't make me climb a cliff to get there – show me the stars, and then give me the steps. Our readers here in E-Biz are all advanced students and/or academics, and we all do have the knowledge that we credit each other with. We are able to understand whatever the others of us are trying to say, but let's make it really easy and readable and "fun". I always feel that papers that make the reader rack their brains to see what they're saying, rather than just slide into it easily and then strive to reach the summit of the presentation, make it more difficult than is necessary. Do you agree? And if not, then why not?
Don't make me think. Spoon feed me. Tell me what to believe.
I see this same attitude in my real estate classes. I have to bite my tongue on occasion to keep from being sarcastic.